Calibre Group was formed in January 2014 as a merchant bank combining the investment banking experience of Jim Tumulty and his team, with capital provided by a small group of institutional and high net worth individual investors. Alongside investing in high quality business, the team continues to advise select clients on mergers and acquisitions.
Today, Calibre is an industrial focused merchant bank with backing from family offices and high-net-worth individuals. Unlike traditional private equity firms that have targeted holding periods, Calibre maintains an industrialist approach. Traditional private equity firms make investments with the intention of flipping them quickly. This can create adverse incentives to making longer-term investments and strategic decisions that are in the long-term best interest of the company or the entirety of its stakeholders. Calibre doesn’t have a rigid investment time horizon, and as such doesn’t have those adverse incentives. Our structure provides the flexibility to invest in the long-term well-being of the company without focusing solely on the short-term cash flow maximization.
We also have the flexibility to creatively invest across the capital structure. We can make control equity investments, minority equity investments in support of management buyouts, growth capital, bridge financing and subordinated debt investments.
We highly value the management, employees, culture, relationships, brand, and reputation of the company’s we invest in. We believe continuity is important and encourage principal/management teams to remain in leadership roles and hold equity to benefit from the value creation alongside of us.
Calibre focuses on companies where our industry expertise and relationships can create meaningful value for all stakeholders. We have a targeted due diligence process through which we identify management teams and businesses that share our values. By forging close relationships with existing management and key constituents, we strive to create a transformative result for all parties. We believe people and cultivated culture are the keys to success.
Call 412-756-0066 or email us
44 Abele Road, Beacon 1 Suite 200, Bridgeville, PA 15017
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